Six Lifestyle Habits for Brain Healtth

Many of us do the best we can to lead a healthy life. With healthy lifestyle habits come exercise and a number of different foods to eat. Our brain is a fascinating organ and needs our full attention to sustain optimal functionality. Everything in our body relies on the brain. After all, there are 100 billion neurons in the brain and blood vessels that are about 100,000 miles long- cool, right?! We’ve identified the top 6 lifestyle habits to improve brain health.


Drink Plenty of Water

We know that drinking about 8 glasses of water a day is recommended for overall good health, however, it also benefits the brain in many ways, including memory.

Continued Learning

Learning is the best form of brain exercise. It stimulates neurons in the brain, as well as changing its physical structure. Learning organizes the brain and makes it more efficient. It also can prevent neurological diseases as we age.

Fatty Fish

It’s all about omega-3s. Approximately 60% of the brain is made of fat therefore eating fatty fish is key. Omega-3s build brain cells and help with learning and memory.


There are numerous health benefits in blueberries and more specifically, for the brain! These plant compounds possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that benefit the brain in many ways like protecting your brain from stress, neurodegenerative diseases, and aging. Other foods to feed the brain include dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, turmeric, nuts, and broccoli.


General physical exercise is good for us but there are specific ones that can be done to help build memory, learning, and contribute to overall brain health. As mentioned, learning new skills and knowledge is vital, especially continued learning throughout our lives. You will be happy to know that brain games can be fun! Things like puzzles and card games stimulate cognitive activity in the brain and increase dopamine production, which in turn improves mood, concentration, and memory.

Music and Dance

Whether it’s listening to or playing, music helps the brain stay young and happy. It reduces anxiety, blood pressure, and pain. Music Therapy is a widely utilized form of therapy for people suffering from a number of illnesses. Many studies have also found that music improves sleep quality, memory, and alertness. The same can be said about dancing! The good feeling you get from dancing is known as the hormone called serotonin, which helps develop a new neural connection. This improves executive brain function, long-term memory, and spatial recognition.